are you or your child inteRESTED IN


  • Fill the form below to register your interest.
  • We accept registry regardless of age or experiece.
  • You will recieve an e-mail with more information about our club and if there is room for you in any of our training groups.
  • UVBTK give each new players three try on training sessions before it is time to pay the training and membership fees.
  • Our youngest players starts in "Pingisskolan" group for beginners. They can start once they start school, the year they turn 7 or older.
  • Both players and parents are required to accept the UVBTK policy to play.

The form registers your interest and is not binding

E-mail Name Surname Social security number Gender: Man/Woman/Other Adress Postal number City Responsible parent Phone number Other information
Player and/or parent accept UVBTK policy
I accept that UVBTK handles my personal information
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